
Section Title

Environmental Concern

Ideally, water is naturally colourless and odourless. However, in Nairobi River, things are...

Unique Mutualism in Nature

Stinkhorns give off a strong, offensive, rotting odor typically described as smelling of rotting...

Coffee and Sustainability. A Global Context.

The surging global demand for coffee has put tremendous pressure on coffee farmers worldwide...

The Benefits of Agricultural Biodiversity in Kenya

Kenya has a rich biodiversity, with a wide range of ecosystems, wildlife, and plant species. This...

The Giraffe Centre

“I had never realized wild animals could have such definite personalities. Her moods are mercurial:...


The connection of our natural world is often overlooked, but it is essential to understand that...

GMOs in Kenya-Part 2

A GMOs Story. GMOs have been developed for a wide variety of applications, including crops...

Climate Change or loss of Biodiversity?

Environmental changes resulting from climate change disturb natural habitats and different species...

GMOs in Kenya-Part 1

The GMO Debate Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms altered to have genes with a...
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