
Mr. Zedekiah Okwany is a skilled and a passionate graduate. He has more than ten years of experience in research and analysis, and has developed a deep understanding of the interplay between living organisms, chemistry, and the environment. He conducts research, collects data, and analyzes the impact of human activity on the environment. He is an expert in carbon footprint calculation methodologies and has developed tools and models to estimate the carbon footprint of individuals, businesses, and communities. Mr. Okwany has gained extensive knowledge of the complex factors that contribute to climate change, including greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and changes in land use. And has also developed expertise in sustainable practices and technologies that can help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Bamboo and carbon offset

Bamboo, nicknamed the wonder plant, is the strongest and fastest-growing monocot “woody” plant on earth, great for construction work. It is packed with vitamins and essential minerals such as niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin E, which is the body’s most powerful antioxidant. It is known to naturally enhance collagen production, help to detox […]

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Ecological Succession in Africa, A call for Action.

Ecological succession is a gradual and predictable process that describes the changes in the species composition of an ecosystem over time. It can result from natural factors such as long-term environmental changes or as a response to disturbances such as mudslides or volcanic eruptions. In Africa, such catastrophic events can lead to significant disruption to

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Robert McCredie May

“In my experience, the intellectual capability of any biologist is directly proportional to the speed of locomotion of the organisms with which they work.” Robert McCredie May. I have had the chance to learn about scientists, their research work, and their contributions to science. Robert McCredie May, also known as Lord May of Oxford, stands

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The Benefits of Agricultural Biodiversity in Kenya

Kenya has a rich biodiversity, with a wide range of ecosystems, wildlife, and plant species. This biodiversity is not only critical for conservation purposes but also for sustainable agriculture. Agricultural biodiversity, or agrobiodiversity, comprises variability and varieties of plants, animals, and microorganisms that are important in maintaining critical functions of the agricultural ecosystem. In Kenya,

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The Giraffe Centre

“I had never realized wild animals could have such definite personalities. Her moods are mercurial: she sulks, laughs, plays, pouts and has moments of ecstasy, is stroppy, confident, insecure, and shows many other facets of personality which would make a psychiatrist reel.” –Raising Daisy Rothschild, (Betty and Jock Leslie-Melville, Penguin Books, 1977). The Giraffe Centre is a

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The connection of our natural world is often overlooked, but it is essential to understand that every living organism plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. For instance, forests provide a habitat for animals, and animals consume plants that rely on healthy soil, which is fertilized by fungi. Bees and other insects facilitate

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GMOs in Kenya-Part 2

A GMOs Story. GMOs have been developed for a wide variety of applications, including crops, industrial processes, and medical research. One of the most well-known companies involved in the development and commercialization of GMOs is Monsanto. Monsanto is a multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation that has been involved in the development and marketing of

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